18 June 2025 | JW Marriott Grosvenor House Hotel

Rob Talby
geotechnical director
Mott MacDonald
Dr Rob Talby a geotechnical director of Mott MacDonald in Croydon with over 25 years’ experience of geotechnical works from design through to construction on major building and infrastructure projects in the UK and North America. Lead geotechnical director on Thames Tideway East, nuclear related structures in the UK and Europe, CAT 3 check lead for HS2 Euston Station, Traffic Embankment Loading model research project for Network Rail and link to SAALG’s DAARWIN tool for the real time implementation of the observational method. Rob is also a UK representative on the EC7 working group D2 – Foundations, reviewing proposed Part 3 for design by prescriptive rules, testing and observational method.