Stephanie Glendinning, Newcastle University
Stephanie Glendinning
pro vice-chancellor, faculty of science, agriculture & engineering (PVC of SAgE)
Newcastle University

Stephanie Glendinning Stephanie was appointed Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Science, Agriculture & Engineering at Newcastle University in June 2021, being responsible for a Faculty of circa 1,200 staff and an annual budget of £112M. Prior to this role, Stephanie was the Dean of Strategic Projects for the Faculty, overseeing fundraising and development of major projects including ‘Digitally Enabled Urban Sustainability’, ‘One Planet’, a shared facility to support ‘Bio-systems Science and Engineering’ and the redevelopment of the Stephenson Building for education and research built around the themes of sustainable propulsion, biomedical engineering and digital manufacturing. Stephanie has a BSc (Hons) Engineering (Civil) from Leicester University and a PhD from Loughborough University and has worked in Higher Education for 30 years with considerable experience in senior management positions. Her research centres on the deterioration of geotechnical infrastructure in a changing climate. She was a founding Director of the spin-out company, Electrokinetic Ltd. Stephanie is a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers Policy and External Affairs Committee, UK Collaboratorium for Research in Infrastructure, Cities Management Board and International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering technical (ISSMGE) and the Committee of Transport Geotechnics and is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Member of the British Geotechnical Association and Member of the International Geosynthetics Society. Stephanie is an active participant in a variety of events that advocate for women in Science and Engineering and is always keen to learn of new opportunities to do more.